
Why start a blog?

Short Version: I am bored Long version: Well sitting the second part of my third attempt at GCSE English, I couldn't help but think that whatever topic the exam board would get me to write about was so boring. They made me talk about sports... Needless to say, I am not a very sporty person. So I decided to make my own blog where I could talk about whatever I want. I am using blogger because hosting is expensive and I need to find a job instead of spending my days coding my own blogging system. Then I was just a simple choice of which one to go for and I'd rather be shot than to use Tumblr so... here I am. I don't really know what I am going to do with this thing. I'm not a very good writer, I can barely spell, I can hardly read, and I don't have very interesting things to talk about. But I wanted to make a place where I could talk about something that I wanted to talk about without having to worry about how it will look in video format. So...